Azari & Zahedi is now treating Cold Sores at the Jacksonville office with an ultramodern medical laser.


Laser Dentistry

Cold sore laser treatment at the Jacksonville dental office. 

Cold Sore Treatment

  • Cold sore treatment that is high-tech, and affordable.
  • The laser power eradicates the virus that prompts the outbreaks.
  • Relief is immediate.
  • Help prevent sores if treated once the lip starts tingling.
  • Arrests the progress of the lesion after treatment.
  • Speeds up the healing process.
  • The treatment is quick and painless.
  • After treatment, future sores reoccur with less intensity and frequency in the same area.

Most procedures performed with the LightWalker laser do not need numbing, and there is little or no pain and bleeding. After treatment, there is less swelling, and there is less need for medication, creating a much more relaxed and pleasant experience.

Courtesy laser consultation in conjunction with a New Patient Exam.

Cold sore laser treatment for qualified candidates*
*Not all cold sore lesions can be treated with laser
